CHI Is Not a Design Conference

Call for papers for CHI2008 went out recently, and this sparked some chatter on the IxDA list.

The following is a response to the organizing committee having two conference chairs from Microsoft, and CHI’s perception as an academic conference.

Jonathan Arnowitz
Today 9:28amHI Will,

Your first two points are a bit contradictory: Microsoft is not academia. But I agree your perception of CHI is the more common one; however, also as the co-Chair of the design track I would say your thinking of the conference is a bit dated. (Look at CHI2007 web site and also CHI2008 and you will see a significant dedication to practitioner as well as academic content) . In the past few years, there has been an extra-ordinary growth in practitioner-oriented content in the conference along side the academic research. Indeed, sending this Call for Participation/Volunteer to this group is part of the ongoing efforts to include more practitioner content and more practitioner reviewers.

CHI also is not a design conference, but rather an HCI conference with a design/practioner component. In this way it is a unique conference that mixes both research and design. For more practitioner oriented conferences there are now many to choose from (DUX, IA Summit, UPA and of course now IxDA’s own conference this February) . However as a place to meet and exchange ideas with people all over the HCI map, CHI remains the place to be (mind you being in Florence helps).

What stands out for me is “CHI also is not a design conference.” As someone whose thesis project plan includes submitting to CHI, I will definitely have to bring this up with my advisor. I don’t mind submitting a paper in conjunction with my thesis. But why not to a design conference?

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