Tag: Service Design

  • Service Design Talk at SIGUX Seoul

    During my last visit to Seoul, I had the pleasure of presenting From Product to Services, the intro presentation Jared Cole and I used at our UX Week workshop, to the SIGUX group in Seoul. My colleague Peter Merholz also presented during the event. The audience included folks from Samsung, SKT, KT, LG, the DNA,…

  • May SF Service Design Drinks Recap

    On May 20, a group of very interesting people got together for the fourth SF Service Design Drinks. Unlike the previous events, which were held in bars, this one was hosted at Adaptive Path, who graciously provided the venue plus beers and snacks for the attendees (it helps that I work there). The turnout was…

  • Service Design Thinking?

    A Brief Guide to Service Design (UX Brighton) by Paul Thurston & Nick Marsh View more presentations from Harry Brignull. I’m glad to see many similarities between this presentation and the one I presented at IxD10. Ideas that definitely overlap include: services are important, services are everywhere, they are designed by everyone, and they are…

  • Can Service Design Take Off in the US?

    Despite the growth of service design firms in Europe, the success of the Service Design Network, and the globally self-organized service design drinks, including one in San Francisco, service design still really hasn’t made its move on the United States. And while many designers I talk to are very interested in service design, businesses are…

  • First Official SF Service Design Drinks

    I’m excited to report that the first official San Francisco Service Design Drinks this past Thursday was a success! People actually showed up! It was awesome! The only negative: I forgot to take photos! Everyone seemed really excited and positive. So we decided to make it a monthly event. Bar 821 was a bit loud,…

  • Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective

    On February 5, 2010, at Interaction10, I presented Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective. Since studying interaction design and service design at Carnegie Mellon University, I have wrestled with the relationship between the two. During an interview with Jeff Howard, a few days after graduating, I tried to address this relationship. It was both a…

  • iPad as Service Enabler

    It’s hard not to be underwhelmed by a product that we already had a good idea of what it would be, especially if you’ve ever used an iPhone. But aside from there being little surprises, and an arguably terrible name (there’s nothing poetic about iPad), what I find more interesting are services the device will…

  • Service Design Drinks SF

    A small party of Bay Area peeps interested in talking about service design got together this past Friday at Lime in the Castro. The somewhat last-minute event was organized by Aidan Kenny, who was here on business from Kilkenny, Ireland. The gathering included people from organizations like the American Heart Association, Adaptive Path, Apple, Intuit,…

  • Speaking at IxD10

    I will be speaking at the Interaction 10 conference on Friday, February 5 in Savannah. The title of my talk will be “Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective.” What is service design? How is it different from interaction design? Or isn’t it? As an interaction designer with service design education and experience, I will offer…