Tag: interaction design

  • UPMC Neurosurgery Clinic

    For this service design project, our team worked with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation to identify design opportunities for Dr. Amin Kassam’s Neurosurgery Clinic. Due to being able to perform a rare brain surgery by going through the patient’s nose rather than cutting open the skull, Dr.…

  • Interaction Design: Beyond Screens

    “Posters and toasters are swell.” If you ever listen to Richard Buchanan talk about design, you’re bound to hear this phrase at least once. I’ve heard it many times, most recently in the course I’m taking this semester, Design Management and Organizational Change. Buchanan believes this to be the most exciting branch of design today,…

  • CHI Paper Not Accepted

    Yesterday I received word that the work-in-progress paper I submitted to CHI was not accepted. As it was not my idea to submit to CHI because I do not view it as a good view for design, I was not disappointed. However, I will gripe about the comments I received because they emphasize CHI’s lack…

  • Insights from Physical Cube Assignment

    The first assignment for the Basic Interaction course I’m teaching this semester was due today. With it being only a week into the semester, I did not know what to expect from the students. But their efforts provided fodder for some stimulating discussion and considerations for interaction design. The assignment was as follows, originally developed…

  • IxD from an ID POV

    In case you are acronym challenged, that’s Interaction Design from an Industrial Design Point of View. What I’m talking about is the recently Coroflot post Interaction Designers, and How They Got that Way, which takes a few snarky jabs the profession. For example: “Anyone who’s been following the creative job market at any point in…

  • How I Became a Designer

    This post is inspired by Jack Moffet’s Mystory, which was inspired by a recent IxDA discussion on when/where/how you decided to become a designer. To answer this question, I could go through my life story—army » engineering » poetry » journalism » web producer » editor » web developer—but that would be rather long and…

  • “Emergence” (book review)

    Steven Johnson’s “Emergence” attempts to connect the lives of ants, brain activity, urban interaction, and software to show how decentralized and bottom-up interactions emerge as an intelligent swarm. I was at first skeptical about the book, as it seemed to take a very scientific view, which I am wary of given my thesis on design…

  • My Blogs of 2007

    Dan Saffer just posted his list of the best interaction design blogs this year. Missing is his own blog and mine (just kidding about mine—but perhaps one day). Given grad school time constraints, I don’t follow many blogs these days. But here are a few I have found either insightful or troubling over the year:…

  • Interaction Design Misunderstood

    I’m tracking “interaction” on Twitter, and this just came through… “Front-end Developer; Design Technologist; Web Developer; User Interface Developer; Interaction Designer…are mostly the same. Which one?” If those are all the same, perhaps I don’t know what it is I’m doing.