Tag: Carnegie Mellon
Struggling to be a Designer
I had a talk with Stacie today about how I believe my experience is keeping me from taking risks. I have realized over the past few weeks that even when I do take a chance, I often do not submit that for critique. And I find that troubling, since school is exactly the place to…
Grid Systems Project
Our project for the week is to use supplied text in the context of a large poster (30″x72″), a book, or a website. Because I have lots of web experience, I was not allowed to choose the website, so I chose the poster. The supplied text is about 10 pages, so putting all that content…
Communication Design Fundamentals
This week of my design fundamentals course at CMU Stacie Rohrbach is introducing us to communication design. Stacie gave us an overview of grids, fonts, and legibility versus readability. A point I found interesting was that for three of the four types of grids (manuscript, column, and modular), Stacie said you can set up the…
Paper Candle Holder Complete
A little past midnight Thursday I had a breakthrough with my paper candle holder design thanks to my resistance to using tabs and finding inspiration in an upright paper grocery bag in the corner of my kitchen. ??????Wait, that folds flat,?????? I realized (a requirement). The final design was simple, but elegant, and could go…
What Can Paper Do for You?
Paper is pretty neat stuff, once you start to mess with it. And that’s exactly what I’m doing, and have done for a lot of today, mess about with paper. I’m looking to use some translucent paper that’s a bit like plastic for my candle holder, which has been slow in coming. But I keep…