Tag: Adaptive Path
Charmr Project: Diabetes Management
in PortfolioInteraction Designer, Adaptive Path, Summer 2007 Charmr was an internal R&D project at Adaptive Path inspired by an Open Letter to Steve Jobs by a prominent diabetes blogger, Amy Tenderich. The goal was to generate enthusiasm for human-centered thinking and inspire broader change throughout the medical device and design industry. In eight weeks, we went…
Done with Adaptive Path, kind of
Friday was the last day of my 10 weeks at Adaptive Path. We had the normal 4 pm tea time, but with more people and more activities. The Wii, which I had heard we had, finally made an appearance. The screen was projected on the conference room wall to make for some great fun. Overall,…
Bouncing Ideas Off Dan Saffer
in DesignOne of the great things about being at Adaptive Path is that I have access to the cello-playing man who wrote Designing for Interaction, Dan Saffer. Today I sat down with him to talk about the direction my essay is going, as it’s somewhat of a commentary on the perception of interaction design in current…
Back from Baltimore
I flew back from Baltimore today after day long days with a client. On the plane I read half of Everyware by Adam Greenfield, which I’m finding quite intriguing. I found myself highlighting lots of text and using post-its jot to down ideas and bookmark pages for potential blog topics. Also, I kept putting ubiquitous…
Todd Was Speaking for Todd
in DesignAt afternoon tea on Friday, one of the Adaptive Path folks explained why AP’s blog posts don’t necessarily express what the company thinks as a whole. “Todd was speaking for Todd,” he said. He was speaking about Todd Wilkens’ recent post on why usability is a path to failure, which many usability professionals took issue…
Video Sketches vs. Cartoon Scenarios
in DesignI volunteered to give brown bag presentation at Adaptive Path on the mobile media research and concept my team did for Motorola last semester. I really didn’t know what they would think. The most conversation centered around the value of the scenario video sketch versus a lower fidelity demonstration of the concept. Jesse James Garrett…
First Two Weeks at Adaptive Path
in DesignAs I’m going to Chicago to present our final Studio 2 presentation to a different set of folks at Motorola, I am done with Adaptive Path for the week. That means my first two weeks at AP are behind me. So what have I been up to? Not too much. But I don’t say that…
First Day at Adaptive Path
And so it begins. I introduced myself at the weekly Tuesday staff meeting. “Oh, so that’s how you say your name.” I also got a couple, “You don’t look like what I imagined.” Today was pretty relaxed. I met the other intern, Irene Chong, from the Institute of Design. We compared design programs and conference-running…
CMU Alumni Party at Adaptive Path
in DesignOn Sunday, I attended a CMU alumni get together at Adaptive Path in San Francisco. The event coincided with CHI being in San Jose this year. And CHI was the reason I was in SF. Dan Saffer was our host, so I got to talk with him a bit. One thing everyone seemed to mention…