Southwest Airlines Spirit Mag Mentions MetaMe

The October issue of Southwest Airlines Spirit magazine features innovative work at Carnegie Mellon University. The key ingredient: human understanding.

The article mentions work involving Jodi Forlizzi and has this excellent description of John Zimmerman:

Perhaps fittingly, Zimmerman does not look like your average Carnegie Mellon professor. Unlike most of the paunchy, bearded, and semi-distracted men you typically see wandering the halls, Zimmerman is tall and clean-shaven, rail-thin with buzzed, graying hair, and dressed head-to-toe in black. He reminds me a little of Steve Jobs when, appropriately, he pulls out his iPhone and sets it on the table of his cluttered office.

The article also briefly mentions my thesis project, MetaMe (on page 4).

One of the more innovative creations, an electronic widget called MetaMe, displays various manifestations of your personality depending on where you are in the moment.

Sadly, I still have not added the final design to my portfolio. If you have an iPhone, you can view a prototype of the service at The prototype is not fully functional, but shows the main screens. I will try to get the complete work up soon.


2 responses to “Southwest Airlines Spirit Mag Mentions MetaMe”

  1. Nice :)
    I noticed that Min’s project (soccer bag that tells users what’s missing) is also mentioned.

    It’s pretty exciting to see some of our work go out there in the world and affect the way people think/feel about design.

    I had someone random find my “crash” project in an international school in Vietnam. They’re doing an awareness conference where they’re trying to teach kids how to appreciate the 60+ other cultures in their school. So at the end of the “spirit week,” they’re showing my crash info vis. Pretty cool way to connect with people I’ve never met, halfway across the world.

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