iPhone NDA Broken at SF Party

Tonight I was at a party in San Francisco and someone from Apple had an iPhone.

At first it seemed like a privileged few got to sneak a peak. But then as the drinks were flowing and the guy with the iPhone wanted to get laid, the phone was on display much more openly.

Naturally, since the guy seemed to be straight, it was mostly being shown to girls.

I didn’t bother to check it out, except in passing. All I think I heard—and I could be wrong—was something about how difficult it was to make something in regards to the Apple logo on the back.

I know. That’s incredible insight.


One response to “iPhone NDA Broken at SF Party”

  1. […] I’ve had a lot of random thoughts about the iPhone since it first came out in January, ranging from lust to disgust. Although I wanted to hold back until it came out, I thought it might be appropriate to say something on the eve of its release. Jamin had a an entertaining post about it, and it seems to have deeply angered people like Dvorak from PC mag. There are lists all over the place about the top reasons to buy or not to buy one. I always find discussions of Apple and their products interesting. […]

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