Fall Semester Begins; Free Beer

Today the fall semester began, as did my adventure into interaction design. My first class was design seminar with Dick Buchanan, and my second class was design study with Dan Boyarski.

Both classes were interesting and I took some good notes, points from which I thought I could share. However, I left my notes at school, after attending a graduate happy hour at Doc’s in Shadyside. This is a graduate tradition, apparently. And it was a chance to continue bonding with my peers. And it was free food. And free beer. So how could I refuse?

The first-year design students had a bit of a poor showing, though. Only four of the 17 showed up. Sure, we have classes tomorrow (my first one is at 8:30), but I feel we could have done better.

So while I do have a lot I could say about the first day, and about whether I will be blogging about my experience, and how I feel my life changing, I’ll leave that for tomorrow. Today was much too full.


2 responses to “Fall Semester Begins; Free Beer”

  1. What some folks don’t understand is that grad school is about making connections between your peers as much as it is the classes. Go to as many drinks as you can. :)

  2. I will make it my mission.

    There is no better way to connect with people than to drink with them. No wait, that can’t be true.

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