Done with Grad School! (the short post)

At 10am this morning, I turned in my signed thesis paper and thesis project, making me officially done with grad school. It’s been pretty quiet on this site the past couple weeks as I tried to get everything complete. This short post is meant to break that silence. But as I have spent many sleepless nights the past week, I’m exhausted and in dire need of a beer, I am keeping this brief.

Graduation is on Saturday. It’s a relief to be done, though I don’t think the reality of what that means has sunk in yet. Congratulations to all of my peers.

Look forward to a longer, more reflective post to come, when I have more energy.


6 responses to “Done with Grad School! (the short post)”

  1. Congratulations man. How’s it feel?

  2. Congratulations on a race well run. That reminds me, it’s time to invite another group of alumni to the Round Room mailing list.

  3. Well done and congrats!!!!
    It was hard and painful so the rest is easy and delightful from now on.

  4. YAY! Congrats. Now it is time to take a really long nap!

  5. Fantastic news, Jamin!

    So, does this mean you’re free to babysit now? You’ll need a summer gig, right?

  6. Thanks all! The reality of it all still hasn’t hit yet. Perhaps after graduation this afternoon, or tomorrow, for my first lazy Sunday in two years.

    And yes, I’m available for babysitting. But I have a masters now, so I’ll be a little more expensive than your other sitters. ;)

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