Category: Life

  • My 2024 Graphic Novel Recommendations

    My 2024 Graphic Novel Recommendations

    Because I love drawing and good stories, I’m drawn to graphic novels. I appreciate the various styles of visual storytelling. And I love that they can be totally imaginative and out of this world, or depict real life stories. Based on what I read in 2024, here a some recommendations you may enjoy, even if…

  • ACL Surgery

    ACL Surgery

    On February 13, 2012, I had my ACL replaced, after a soccer injury left it shredded. I also had some meniscus damage repaired. This is an account of that experience. Note some of these photos are graphic. February 13 (13 is my favorite number.) 6:30 am I arrived at the hospital via taxi with my…

  • Happy 2011!

    Two years ago, while at Nokia, I worked on a project called Vision 2010. Although we were looking into a not-too-distant future, it was still the future. And yet today, 2010 is a thing of the past. It’s time to reflect and also look ahead to what this new year may bring. Last year I…

  • 4×4 Things About Me

    I was tagged by Dan Saffer to continue a meme (noun: an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture) of four lists of four things about me, which provides a break from writing yet another post about design! I’ve never been tagged to continue a meme before. It’s…

  • Design School 2007,
    Me in 2008, and a Blizzard

    Happy new year +3! What follows is my experience in 2007 as a graduate student and the opportunities it afforded me, as well as what I will be doing in 2008. Finally, I mention the blizzard that is about to hit Mammoth Lakes, California, where I currently am. Design School and 2007 Two thousand and…

  • Designing for Beauty

    Just finished watching Crash, and am now thinking about the ability films and other media have on stirring emotion and changing our perspective. I used to say that I never felt more emotional than during or after watching a film. There was a time when I would go to a film on a weekend night,…

  • Scrambling up a mountain and hauling my poop

    Alone, I scrambled to the top of Mt. Whitney, by way of the mountaineers route, a gully filled with terrible scree and no discernible path. Winded by the altitude and encumbered by a headache either caused by lack of oxygen or dehydration, I arrived at a notch a few hundred feet from the top. I…

  • Done with Adaptive Path, kind of

    Friday was the last day of my 10 weeks at Adaptive Path. We had the normal 4 pm tea time, but with more people and more activities. The Wii, which I had heard we had, finally made an appearance. The screen was projected on the conference room wall to make for some great fun. Overall,…

  • Back from Baltimore

    I flew back from Baltimore today after day long days with a client. On the plane I read half of Everyware by Adam Greenfield, which I’m finding quite intriguing. I found myself highlighting lots of text and using post-its jot to down ideas and bookmark pages for potential blog topics. Also, I kept putting ubiquitous…