Category: Design
Debating About Courses
in DesignAs an interaction design student, I have four courses that I was automatically signed up for, all of which are required. One of the courses, Design Computing, is primarily as Flash course. As I have designed and developed with Flash for many years, I got this course waived. I then signed up for Graduate Typography.…
Easability: Easier than Usable
in DesignGoing back to school has put me in contact with like-minded people who throw around design terms as easily as other folks talk about the weather. Tonight, during a conversation amongst such nerds cool people, one such designer mentioned the “easability” of some product or service. “Did you just say ‘easability’,” I, the nascent designer,…
Live from Geneva
in DesignI hit the road for Geneva today. It took roughly five and a half hours. But it was such a beautiful day, I didn??????t mind. I kept the windows down and the radio blaring the whole time, and I had a lot of coffee. The drive gave me a lot of time to think. Thinking…
Emergence Conference Website
Last week Dan Boyarski popped his head into class, pointed to me, and told me to see him after class. So I did. He wanted to know if I could help out with maintaining and updating the Emergence Conference website that the School of Design is hosting September 8???????10. Sure, I said. Even with the…
Design Fundamentals Is Over
Once again Friday brings the end of a project-driven week, and a big sigh of relief. The difference between this Friday and the last five is that next week there is no new project to work on. The design fundamentals course is over. We’ve got two weeks off before fall classes start. I’ll be doing…
Where Is My Mind?
in DesignIt’s 1:04 a.m. and I’m listening to KEXP’s streaming archive of John Richard’s morning show. Now playing: Where Is My Mind by the Pixies. I love it. Three Hundred and Six That’s how many photos I took for the photo project. At this point I can’t remember what the actual assignment is. There were two…
Photographing My Classmates’ Homes
in DesignI spent the last several hours traveling around Squirrel Hill and Shadyside invading my classmates’ homes to take photographs for our project this week, which is due Friday. I’m not exactly sure what I will do with these photos. One of my classmates gave me a great idea, but sadly after I had taken 130…
Photographing Scars
I’m going to skip over what we did today in class, which was essentially reviewing the pairs of photos we took yesterday, and jump right into tonight’s assignment: On photographing a person; and, on being photographed. We had to write about the experience, so I’m going to include that in it’s entirety because it’s after…
Photography Week
in DesignIt’s the final week of the design fundamentals summer course. In some ways it feels like we’ve been doing this course for ages. And then, as always, there’s that feeling that it went by too quickly. This week we’re studying photography with Charlee Brodsky. As stated in this week’s syllabus, “We will look at, discuss,…