Category: Design
First Info Vis Crit
in DesignI haven’t talked much about my Information Visualization course with Ben Fry and Golan Levin. They are quite an amusing pair, a mix of design and art and nerdery. Today we had our first crit, which only involved select projects. Mine was not one of them. And thank goodness for that, because it was dreadful.…
Brief Update
I finished my resume, but it’s not online. It was sent to companies that will be coming to the school of design’s job fair. Also, I have yet to update my online portfolio. I hope to find time to do that soon. But I don’t know when I’ll find time. The Emergence team got some…
BTW, Resumes Due Tomorrow
in DesignDue to some unfortunate miscommunication, the resumes that the design grad students need to submit for distribution to the companies that will be courting us during a job fair later this month are not due on Monday, but tomorrow. Lovely. So guess what I’m working on? Fortunately, my resume prior to grad school is in…
Emergence Team 2007
in DesignFor my assistanceship this semester, I have been placed on the Emergence team. What is Emergence? It’s a student-run conference put on by the CMU School of Design. Last September was the first one, and it was quite a success. My specific responsibility is the website. Though I am also the team lead. I am…
Drafting My Definition of Interaction Design
in DesignTomorrow we are required to turn in a two-page, single-spaced essay answering the question What Is Interaction Design? This is a question that many have attempted to answer, but for which there is no consensus given the multidisciplinary background of interaction design and its intangible nature. Incidentally, I finished Dan Saffer‘s Designing for Interaction tonight.…
Working with Motorola
in DesignOur Studio 2 course consists of one group project over the entire semester. We are collaborating with Motorola on a project called Mobile Media Life, in which we’ll explore imaging, communicating, visualizing, and viewing media in everyday life. The goal that has been stressed to us is determining how we can help people become skilled…
Support for a Connection Between Writing and Design
In relation to understanding the connection in my life between writing and design, I was inspired to read a comparison of the craft of writing to the craft of design in David Wroblewski’s “The Construction of Human-Computer Interfaces Considered as a Craft” from Taking Software Design Seriously. This was required reading for our seminar 2…
Swimming in Interaction Design
in DesignWhat is interaction design? I have to answer this question every time I meet someone new, which I say here a lot. Though the answer changes each time. It evolves. Sometimes it is clearer to me what I’m talking about. Sometimes it appears clearer to my interlocutor. This week, I have been swimming in the…
What’s wrong with “user testing”?
in DesignI’m talking about the verbiage. Bruce Hanington, who teaches my Research Methods for Human Centered Design course, tried to correct himself after saying “user testing.” He proffered that “product testing” is better because it alleviates the concern people have that they’re being tested. He’s not to first to make such an argument or to object…