Category: Design

  • Intro to Design Computing

    This fall I am teaching Introduction to Design Computing, a required course for first-year interaction design graduate students at Carnegie Mellon. Last year, I waived the course because it was primarily a Flash course and I had six years of professional Flash development and design experience. This year, a couple students asked to waive it…

  • UX Week Takeaways

    Here are all the presentations I went to at UX Week, along with a single takeaway to make it an easy read. If there is no takeaway, I was probably checking email or working on Emergence. Day 1 ClearRx: From Masters Thesis to Medicine Cabinet (Keynote) with Deborah Adler, Milton Glaser Design makes a difference.…

  • Why the Charmr Is Significant

    My Adaptive Path colleague, Alexa, has a great post on our vision for the Charmr project. Our primary hope is that device companies will see the enthusiasm that a vision created from this perspective can generate and might embrace a more human-centered approach in their work. And we hope to inspire others to answer Amy’s…

  • My Summer Work Unveiled—Charmr

    Yesterday at UX Week the R&D project I’ve been working on all summer for Adaptive Path was unveiled during a panel discussion called Wear It During Sex. The project was inspired by an open letter to Steve Jobs by Amy Tenderich, a diabetic. Adaptive Path answered the call and developed a diabetes management system, called…

  • Seeks Female Design Experts

    In response to my post on this site and my post on Adaptive Path’s blog, Marco Van Hout, of, admitted that I busted him on having only men on his site. He is now looking for expert female designers to interview. I appreciate his transparency. Unfortunately, the essay I was researching that spawned the…

  • Done with Adaptive Path, kind of

    Friday was the last day of my 10 weeks at Adaptive Path. We had the normal 4 pm tea time, but with more people and more activities. The Wii, which I had heard we had, finally made an appearance. The screen was projected on the conference room wall to make for some great fun. Overall,…

  • CHI Is Not a Design Conference

    Call for papers for CHI2008 went out recently, and this sparked some chatter on the IxDA list. The following is a response to the organizing committee having two conference chairs from Microsoft, and CHI’s perception as an academic conference. Jonathan Arnowitz Today 9:28amHI Will, Your first two points are a bit contradictory: Microsoft is not…

  • Bouncing Ideas Off Dan Saffer

    One of the great things about being at Adaptive Path is that I have access to the cello-playing man who wrote Designing for Interaction, Dan Saffer. Today I sat down with him to talk about the direction my essay is going, as it’s somewhat of a commentary on the perception of interaction design in current…

  • Back from Baltimore

    I flew back from Baltimore today after day long days with a client. On the plane I read half of Everyware by Adam Greenfield, which I’m finding quite intriguing. I found myself highlighting lots of text and using post-its jot to down ideas and bookmark pages for potential blog topics. Also, I kept putting ubiquitous…