Brief Update

I finished my resume, but it’s not online. It was sent to companies that will be coming to the school of design’s job fair. Also, I have yet to update my online portfolio. I hope to find time to do that soon. But I don’t know when I’ll find time.

The Emergence team got some time at the school’s faculty meeting this morning. We introduced ourselves as a gesture to facilitate better awareness of and involvement with the conference. We’ve made some headway on a theme, but haven’t nailed it yet. We hope to figure it out by the end of this week. We’re also working on an identity system.

I met with one of my clients tonight (ITNS) to go over my availability for work in the future. Basically, I said I could not do any large projects. I’m still going to do some consulting and maintenance. I’m probably an idiot for doing that.

My neighbors decided to not turn on their heat, even though it’s 8 degrees out. Their pipes froze. Now my pipes are frozen. Try living without water for a day.

Get it while it’s hot!

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