• But why?

    For one of my classes, I was asked to put a file on the server. But when I saw the possible folder names, none made sense as a destination for my file. “Why is this one called ‘print’?,” I asked. “Why is this one named…why is…,” I continued. This prompted one of my classmates to…

  • Bringing Emotion into the Design Process

    I’d like to continue a comment about bringing emotion into the design process because I think it deserves its own post. Kip said: Design has some valuable roots in its ties with emotion, but in many ways we’ve lost touch. Can we bring a sophisticated discussion of “emotion” back on the table and include it…

  • Quantifying Design

    As a designer, one of my greatest questions centers around the value of design, in particular the aspects of design that make it effective, successful, and a valid approach to solving particular problems. I am of the mind that there is rigor and logic to design that is similar to the rigor of scientific research…

  • My Amazon Tags Suggest
    Boundaries for Design

    Beneath my recommendations on Amazon.com, there exists a tag cloud of categories representing the types of books I typically buy—in this case, typically means in grad school, as 90 percent of my Amazon purchases are related to design. Instead of design, however, according to this, I am mostly interested in commercial, culture, engineering, management, professional…

  • Searching for a New Head

    At the end of this semester, Dan Boyarski, the current head of the School of Design, is stepping down after six years. Dan has an inspired character and has done an excellent job representing the school. His personality and teaching ability helped seal my decision to apply to the interaction design program at Carnegie Mellon.…

  • Interview Madness

    On Thursday and Friday of last week, about 50 companies attended the School of Design’s job fair. Friday was the big day, with all interviews taking place then. Each interview was 30 minutes. Some of my peers had up to 13 interviews scheduled. I had fewer, targeting only companies I might have serious interest in.…

  • Moving to SF insane?

    Saw this comment from Dave Malouf on the IxDA list: You’ve gotta be nutz, coocoo, and just insane to leave anyplace including NYC and move to SF unless you were guaranteed something between $150k-$200k, and HUGE relocation package upwards of $20-$30k. Having done relocates to both coasts I’m pretty familiar with what it takes at…

  • 4×4 Things About Me

    I was tagged by Dan Saffer to continue a meme (noun: an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture) of four lists of four things about me, which provides a break from writing yet another post about design! I’ve never been tagged to continue a meme before. It’s…

  • Masters Thesis Paper

    Masters Thesis Paper

    My thesis paper explores the thinking aspect of design to understand what it is designers actually do so that we can understand our value and communicate it to others. To this end, I read several books, including The Design Way, The Reflective Practitioner, How Designers Think, and Thoughtful Interaction Design. In addition, I reference The…