Speaking at IxD10
in DesignI will be speaking at the Interaction 10 conference on Friday, February 5 in Savannah. The title of my talk will be “Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective.” What is service design? How is it different from interaction design? Or isn’t it? As an interaction designer with service design education and experience, I will offer…
Service Design Network Conference 2009
in DesignTwo weeks ago, I was on the island of Madeira, Portugal, for the second annual Service Design Network conference. Like last year, I was part of the planning board. My main role was to review content submissions and help put together the conference program. I also served as a judge for the service design competition…
Intro to Drawing at SF Art Institute
in DesignAs a designer, I draw a lot, whether it’s visualizing a conversation or depicting an experience through a storyboard. To improve my skills, I’m taking a 12-week course at the San Francisco Art Institute. I am now halfway through the course. Here are some of my latest drawings.
Directionally Correct Design
in DesignThe value of design often butts heads with the rigor of quantitative proof. But as the design advances into more complex territory, proof becomes even more challenging. While at the Institute for the Future HealthCare 2020 open space meeting on Science and Technology in Health, Chris McCarthy, Director, Innovation Learning Network at Kaiser Permanente, talked…
Technology Enablers vs Scientific Rigor in Healthcare
in DesignOne huge problem for US healthcare is that technology moves at a much faster rate than the system of change and adoption in the current system. For obvious reasons, there are a lot of regulations, studies, and tests to help ensure effectiveness of processes and products that are introduced into healthcare services. Unfortunately, this system…
A Culture of Wanderers
in Design“Like the soil, mind is fertilized while it lies fallow, until a new burst of bloom ensues.” –John Dewey Presently, it will be a year since I started working at Nokia. Since starting, I have been involved in several back-to-back projects with the usual short time frames and high demands. If ever ideas began to…
Design Thinking Is the New Design
in DesignIn his Ask the Innovation Guru video series (yes, there is such a thing, and yes, I watched some of it), Bruce Nussbaum tackles the question Why Is Design Thinking Relevant. He parses views on design thinking into two camps: those that think it’s too abstract and has little to do with doing; and those…
Call To Redesign Organizations
in DesignRecently, Jonathan Ive, of Apple, had some thoughts on the key to Apple’s success. He bemoaned designers who always have excuses for their work not turning out as intended. His advice: “If you really do care about the quality of what ends up getting made, wouldn’t you find an answer, some sort of alternative, and…
The Most Influential Interaction Design Products
in DesignDan Saffer recently asked, “If I asked you to name the most influential interaction design products, you would say…?” I found this question a bit confusing. It raised a lot of questions. My instinct was to respond by asking, “What product does not involve interaction design?” Next, “What do you mean by product?” Further, is…