First World Voting Experience

First World Voting Experience

I voted in a garage, using a poorly designed ballot, made decisions on issues with implications I couldn’t possibly understand, and left as joyful as one feels after a root canal. We must change this experience. Or rather, we must design this experience....
Tech Planet Korea

Tech Planet Korea

On November 14, I will be speaking at Tech Planet in Seoul, Korea. I love that they translated my both my name and my bio into Korean. The title of my talk is From UX to SX.
Potential Service Design Talk Titles

Potential Service Design Talk Titles

Next week I’ll be speaking at the Service Design Network conference in Paris. When I first started thinking of what to talk about on the subject of changing culture by design, I came up with the following list of titles. It’s a pretty good list of where my...
Service Storming and Dragon Lines

Service Storming and Dragon Lines

During UX Week, Jared Cole and I ran a half-day workshop called Service Storming and Dragon Lines. Originally, we called the workshop Service Design: Acting to Action. But we wanted to be more specific and accurate than calling the first exercise acting. Essentially,...