Author: Jamin
Insights from Physical Cube Assignment
in DesignThe first assignment for the Basic Interaction course I’m teaching this semester was due today. With it being only a week into the semester, I did not know what to expect from the students. But their efforts provided fodder for some stimulating discussion and considerations for interaction design. The assignment was as follows, originally developed…
The Risk of Innovation
in DesignThe innovation debate continues in the NY Times this morning with “The Risk of Innovation: Will Anyone Embrace It?” After wading through the reporter’s anecdote about not being able to operate his Prius, a task that apparently requires the owner to adapt behavior (“I don’t think I can adapt to the behaviors required by the…
(Final?) Thesis Paper Abstract
in DesignNext Friday is thesis paper presentation day, where each second-year graduate student has 10 minutes to present his or her thesis paper and five minutes to be interrogated about it. This is a major milestone of this year. Lucky me, I get to present first! In preparation, I had to submit the thesis title and…
IxD from an ID POV
in DesignIn case you are acronym challenged, that’s Interaction Design from an Industrial Design Point of View. What I’m talking about is the recently Coroflot post Interaction Designers, and How They Got that Way, which takes a few snarky jabs the profession. For example: “Anyone who’s been following the creative job market at any point in…
Hugh Dubberly Models Innovation
in Design“For the past few years, innovation has been a big topic in conversation about business management. A small industry fuels that conversation with articles, books, and conferences. Designers, too, are involved. Prominent product-design firms offer workshops and other services promising innovation. Leading design schools promote “design thinking” as a path to innovation. But despite all…
Design Computing Course Evaluations
in DesignLast week, the course evaluation results were made available for Introduction to Design Computing, the course I taught last fall. Unfortunately, the feedback I got was not very positive. In fact, it was outright deplorable. Out of 5, the average score for the course was 2.09, and for me as an instructor, 1.91. I must…
Wall Street: Hurdle for Service/Experience
in DesignThis morning I read a NY Times article called “Put Buyers First? What a Concept” about an experience the writer had with days before Christmas. The PlayStation 3 he bought for his son had not arrived, so he looked up the tracking details only to find it had been delivered and signed for by…
Design School 2007,
Me in 2008, and a BlizzardHappy new year +3! What follows is my experience in 2007 as a graduate student and the opportunities it afforded me, as well as what I will be doing in 2008. Finally, I mention the blizzard that is about to hit Mammoth Lakes, California, where I currently am. Design School and 2007 Two thousand and…
Designed to Never End
in DesignAdam Greenfield seemed really excited about Matt Webb’s year-end wrap-up, so I checked it out. It’s a bit of an abstract ramble of ideas, which didn’t excite me as much. But one idea sparked a thought: “In order to keep going, the path of a user through a website must be designed to never end.…