Author: Jamin

  • Masters Thesis Paper

    Masters Thesis Paper

    My thesis paper explores the thinking aspect of design to understand what it is designers actually do so that we can understand our value and communicate it to others. To this end, I read several books, including The Design Way, The Reflective Practitioner, How Designers Think, and Thoughtful Interaction Design. In addition, I reference The…

  • MetaMe — Masters Thesis Project

    Abstract When people switch jobs, move to a new city, start school, or have a child, aspects of their identity change. For designers, this presents an opportunity to help people invent and discover who they would like to be in their new roles. But there is little evidence of design attempting to support this behavior.…

  • Erik Stolterman talks Design at CMU

    Erik Stolterman has been visiting Carnegie Mellon for the past few days, during which he gave a lecture on “The Design Paradox – and the nature of design research.” The premise of the talk, aimed at HCI researchers, was that HCI research, which is mostly aimed at improving design practice (his assumption), does not seem…

  • Thoughts on Interaction08

    I got back from the first Interaction Design Association (IxDA) conference, Interaction08, late Monday night after an 11-hour drive in a rented minivan with five other of my Carnegie Mellon peers. Rather than provide a blow-by-blow, I’ll apply a little bit of poetic license and start at the end. At the end of the second…

  • At Interaction08 in Savannah

    If you thought this was a roundup of the conference, I apologize. I just wanted to say that I’m at the IxDA Interaction08 conference in Savannah and am heading off to the opening keynote by Alan Cooper in a moment. Yesterday, a crew of six of us from Carnegie Mellon drove from Pittsburgh to Savannah…

  • UPMC Neurosurgery Clinic

    For this service design project, our team worked with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Center for Quality Improvement and Innovation to identify design opportunities for Dr. Amin Kassam’s Neurosurgery Clinic. Due to being able to perform a rare brain surgery by going through the patient’s nose rather than cutting open the skull, Dr.…

  • Interaction Design: Beyond Screens

    “Posters and toasters are swell.” If you ever listen to Richard Buchanan talk about design, you’re bound to hear this phrase at least once. I’ve heard it many times, most recently in the course I’m taking this semester, Design Management and Organizational Change. Buchanan believes this to be the most exciting branch of design today,…

  • CHI Paper Not Accepted

    Yesterday I received word that the work-in-progress paper I submitted to CHI was not accepted. As it was not my idea to submit to CHI because I do not view it as a good view for design, I was not disappointed. However, I will gripe about the comments I received because they emphasize CHI’s lack…

  • Thesis Paper Presentation Celebration!

    My thesis paper presentation was today, and all went well enough. Though I think I confused a few people, and took some heat from Richard Buchanan, who ask if the design knowledge embodied in the knower is not just habit. The answer, of course, is no. But that’s all behind me, and a bit of…