Author: Jamin

  • iPad as Service Enabler

    It’s hard not to be underwhelmed by a product that we already had a good idea of what it would be, especially if you’ve ever used an iPhone. But aside from there being little surprises, and an arguably terrible name (there’s nothing poetic about iPad), what I find more interesting are services the device will…

  • Service Design Drinks SF

    A small party of Bay Area peeps interested in talking about service design got together this past Friday at Lime in the Castro. The somewhat last-minute event was organized by Aidan Kenny, who was here on business from Kilkenny, Ireland. The gathering included people from organizations like the American Heart Association, Adaptive Path, Apple, Intuit,…

  • Design Thinking, Simply Put

    “To me, design thinking is the productive combination of analytical thinking and intuitive thinking.” –Roger Martin in response to Peter Merholz’s Why Design Thinking Won’t Save You While Peter’s original post was in October 2009, the Harvard Business Review called it out in their January/February 2010 print issue. As I tend to think about definitions…

  • Speaking at IxD10

    I will be speaking at the Interaction 10 conference on Friday, February 5 in Savannah. The title of my talk will be “Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective.” What is service design? How is it different from interaction design? Or isn’t it? As an interaction designer with service design education and experience, I will offer…

  • Service Design Network Conference 2009

    Two weeks ago, I was on the island of Madeira, Portugal, for the second annual Service Design Network conference. Like last year, I was part of the planning board. My main role was to review content submissions and help put together the conference program. I also served as a judge for the service design competition…