Author: Jamin
Fourth Order Design?
in DesignI’ve heard “fourth order design” thrown around a lot lately. The more I hear it, the more I would rather hear what the the person is really talking about. It makes me wonder whether the term helps clarify anything or actually muddies design. Can we not call design “design”? To a degree, I think that’s…
Tony Golsby-Smith of 2nd Road Visits CMU
in DesignLast week, Tony Golsby-Smith, CEO of 2nd Road, the Sydney-based consulting company that focuses on shaping large-scale change, visited Richard Buchanan’s Design, Management, and Organizational Change class. Over the course of three hours, he shared his perspective on design and its role within 2nd Road. What follows are notes and thoughts from that conversation. Tony…
Core Competencies of Design
in DesignRichard Buchanan presented the “Core Competencies of Design” in class this week, offering a slightly different version of the list of why designers are valued. I’m not sure if this is just a further iteration or different due to the shift in focus from designers to design itself. The language is fairly similar, though notably…
Perspectives on Why We Design
in DesignIn continuation of our project to design the next design firm, we were attempting to articulate our personal visions for the future of what design might be when we stumbled upon three perspectives for trying to understand why we design. We separated these into design to advance the discipline of design, design to benefit organizations,…
Designing Design Teams
in DesignAs our efforts to consider how current design firms might transition to new areas for design, our team talked about designing design teams as a possible strategy to advance the influence and understanding of design. The idea is that as a design consulting firm, we would create design teams within organizations that could sustain themselves…
Coast to Coast
in DesignThe impending end to my days at Carnegie Mellon and the need to find myself a job have left me with little time to develop my recent thoughts into writing. This past week has been particularly exhausting, as I found myself first traveling to New York and then just three days later heading to Palo…
Earth Day Poster for Whole Foods
in DesignFor the Color and Communication class I’m taking this semester with Kristin Hughes and Mark Mentzer, we were asked to create a mask out of recycled plastic. The project was inspired by the practice of creating toys from plastic bottles and objects that Kristin saw during a trip to South Africa. We were then asked…
Designing the Ideal Design Firm
in DesignAs an unexpected twist to the end of the semester, for my Design, Management, and Organizational Change class with Richard Buchanan, we were asked to design our ideal design consulting company. The class was split into three groups that are to approach the question from three different perspectives: people, products and services (forms), and brand,…
Teaching Gestural Interaction
in DesignToday marked the beginning of the third project in the Basic Interaction course I am teaching this semester. The goal of the project is to design an ebook reader taking into account gestural interaction for particular audiences and contexts. I thought this would be a good project because it combines a product with much opportunity…