Author: Jamin
Jeremy Yuille Explores IxD Education at Adaptive Path
in DesignAdaptive Path recently hosted a brown bag lunch with Jeremy Yuille regarding interaction design education. I skirted up from my Nokia office a few blocks away to take advantage of AP’s open invitation. It took me a while to realize that Jeremy is on the IxDA board, and that I had met him at the…
mTID Gets Panties in a Twist
in DesignI’m not sure Carnegie Mellon’s master of tangible interaction design is news to me. I sort of recall hearing something about it last spring. But today was the first time I saw a curriculum for the program. Like several of my former peers, I am intrigued by this program. And as a master of interaction…
Design Thinking Hiatus
in DesignObviously, I have not been writing much recently. There are a number of reasons for this. First, I needed a break from all the design thinking to remember how to function with the rest of the humans. It seems they don’t often talk about design or know what I’m talking about. Second, I’ve had a…
Going to Nokia
in DesignI am happy to announce that I will be joining Nokia at their new design office in San Francisco this August. The group is headed by Raphael Grignani, who inspired me with this response when I asked him what he would expect from me. “I expect you to devise and execute with the project team…
The Thinking Behind Design
in DesignOver the course of the school year, my thesis paper went through quite a metamorphosis as I explored many text and wrestled with what I wanted to say about design. In the end, I titled my paper “The Thinking Behind Design.” Here is the abstract I submitted with my final paper. What designers do—the thinking…
eReader and Gestural Interaction Projects
in DesignJust want to share the results of the eReader and gestural interaction project I had my Basic Interaction class (undergraduate HCI double majors) do for their final project. This was a six-week project with the following focus: Synthesize needs and opportunities from both potential product users and other sources. Discover the intersection between the needs…
I am a Master of Design
in DesignToday I received my diploma. My overly large diploma. The day, as a whole, was a bit surreal.
Done with Grad School! (the short post)
in DesignAt 10am this morning, I turned in my signed thesis paper and thesis project, making me officially done with grad school. It’s been pretty quiet on this site the past couple weeks as I tried to get everything complete. This short post is meant to break that silence. But as I have spent many sleepless…
Richard Buchanan Leaving School of Design
in DesignToday we learned, in an apparent slip, that Richard Buchanan is leaving the School of Design. At the very end of class, in a conversation largely framed around the question of what is design, he mentioned that he would be a professor of information systems, “whatever that means.” There was a pause in the room…