A designer is…

I just got this:

I’m working on an undergrad recruitment piece for the School of Design.

Could you complete the following two statements and email me your responses as soon as possible?

:: Design is …

:: A designer …

What do you think?


6 responses to “A designer is…”

  1. Design is anything artificial.

    A designer is always dressed in black.

  2. jeong brought some nice postcards to cmu that illustrated that very sentiment. there are probably some cards still in the studio – you should check them out.

  3. I got the same email, my response:

    Design is… understanding, empathy, and invention

    A designer…. is someone who who can master all three.

  4. Design is giving an idea a form.

    Designers are those who can turn an idea into something that can be experienced viscerally.

  5. Design is endless possibilities.

    I like what Dan said: “Design is giving an idea a form.” I was messing around when I wrote the above “Design is endless possibilities.” But as I thought about it a bit, endless possibilities can be translated to ideas. And as I thought of what would follow for the “Designers are…” phrase, I was basically thinking designers turn possibilities into reality, which is essentially giving an idea form.

    But for Dan’s second line, I would remove viscerally.

    Designers turn ideas into something that can be experienced.

  6. By viscerally I meant “experienced in a physical sense” but experienced is probably the better word.

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