Control Redesign: Gas Stove Knob

In my previous post, I failed to mention the control I redesigned. I choose a knob on my gas stove. Problems Turning the knob to Lite, which is also the highest gas setting, releases more gas than is necessary for pilot light to ignite gas. There is no indication of...

First Project Complete

You would think with a four-day weekend (I have no classes on Friday), I would have had time to complete my first project without losing sleep. Wrong. The project was to redesign a singular control for John Zimmeran’s Introduction to Interaction and Visual...

It’s Only Tuesday

Have I really already completed two days of grad school? Have I really only completed two days of grad school? Surely, it’s not Tuesday already. And surely, it’s not only Tuesday? I am just beginning to understand how this is going to rock my world. My...