Thinking About Strategy

I recently read an article on A List Apart about strategy, and that got me thinking. And I think it’s about time I re-think the strategy for this site.

Since launching this blog earlier this year a lot has happened. My original focus was articles about CSS, information architecture, and usability. But why read my site when you can read the plethora of others that very well likely do it better. Sites like A List Apart, for instance.

So in case you were wondering why my posts have been less frequent, it’s because I’ve been contemplating the Raison d?????????tre of this site, and how to realign it so that it has a clearer focus.

The aforementioned article, thus, comes at an appropriate time. Strategy. Yeah.


One response to “Thinking About Strategy”

  1. […] us on Your Goal November 10, 2005 Intermingled with my current thoughts about strategy is a related term: focus. Piggybacking off that is figuring out what it i […]

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