Tag: Web

  • Troublesome Flash File

    I wanted to make some modifications to the little aliens on my other site, and wouldn’t you know it, I can’t open the damn Flash source file. “Unexpected file format.” Lovely. Naturally, I searched for help. Then I tried some things, none of which worked. I imported the SWF, since that at least should give…

  • Grammar Police

    While my current profession is web design, I actually went to school for writing. Over the years I have worked as a reporter and an editor. I’ve always been a bit of a rules person, whether it be board games, or CSS, or grammar. I’m one of those people who reads the directions before assembling…

  • Focus on Your Goal

    Intermingled with my current thoughts about strategy is a related term: focus. Piggybacking off that is figuring out what it is you want to accomplish, or what it is you want your user to do. I am seeing that this is getting lost in some of the projects I work on. Clients understandably don’t know…

  • I Dream of Style Sheets

    Sadly, it’s true. The other night I wasn’t sleeping very well. I could not fall into a deep sleep. Dreams and reality intertwined. As I worried about not sleeping I fell asleep enough to start dreaming. I struggled, in my dream, to figure out why I could not sleep. Then it hit me. I had…

  • CSS “Patches”

    I read a bit on SimpleBits about the language we use to describe the technique to work around all the browser inefficiences with regards to correctly implementing CSS. The argument is those techniques should not be called “hacks,” but rather “patches” as the former term can have negative connotations; and the techniques employed counter browser…

  • My iPod Makes Me Cool

    That’s right. Last week I bought an iPod so I could play music in my car during a road trip. I had been wanting an iPod for a while, as I purchase a good bit of music from iTunes; and the road trip seemed like the perfect excuse. Lucky me, my timing could not have…

  • Thinking About Strategy

    I recently read an article on A List Apart about strategy, and that got me thinking. And I think it’s about time I re-think the strategy for this site. Since launching this blog earlier this year a lot has happened. My original focus was articles about CSS, information architecture, and usability. But why read my…

  • Standards Aware Cutting Edge

    Molly recently proffered a set of web design and development personality indicators. I think I’m a mix of SACE and SASS, which makes me as cool as a Trekkie. SASS. Standards Aware Structural Semanticist. These personalities are very code-centric, with little interest (or more often, skill) in presentation but lots of interest in the proper…

  • Institutional Advancement Launched

    This is a couple weeks late, but I’ve been too busy to keep up with myself. Eariler this month, the Pitt Web team launched the university’s Office of Institutational Advancement site. Basically, that’s the office that solicits donations to the university. My role included the front-end development, including the XHTML, CSS, and Flash work. I…