Tag: Thesis Paper

  • The Thinking Behind Design

    Over the course of the school year, my thesis paper went through quite a metamorphosis as I explored many text and wrestled with what I wanted to say about design. In the end, I titled my paper “The Thinking Behind Design.” Here is the abstract I submitted with my final paper. What designers do—the thinking…

  • Done with Grad School! (the short post)

    At 10am this morning, I turned in my signed thesis paper and thesis project, making me officially done with grad school. It’s been pretty quiet on this site the past couple weeks as I tried to get everything complete. This short post is meant to break that silence. But as I have spent many sleepless…

  • Six More Weeks of Grad School

    If you follow this blog regularly, you will have noticed that I have not been regularly updating as of late. Time has been very limited, and the brain power needed for blogging has been diverted to other tasks, like thesis, thesis, teaching, coursework, and, of course, finding a job.There are six more weeks left of…

  • Masters Thesis Paper

    Masters Thesis Paper

    My thesis paper explores the thinking aspect of design to understand what it is designers actually do so that we can understand our value and communicate it to others. To this end, I read several books, including The Design Way, The Reflective Practitioner, How Designers Think, and Thoughtful Interaction Design. In addition, I reference The…

  • Thesis Paper Presentation Celebration!

    My thesis paper presentation was today, and all went well enough. Though I think I confused a few people, and took some heat from Richard Buchanan, who ask if the design knowledge embodied in the knower is not just habit. The answer, of course, is no. But that’s all behind me, and a bit of…

  • (Final?) Thesis Paper Abstract

    Next Friday is thesis paper presentation day, where each second-year graduate student has 10 minutes to present his or her thesis paper and five minutes to be interrogated about it. This is a major milestone of this year. Lucky me, I get to present first! In preparation, I had to submit the thesis title and…

  • Thesis Paper Abstract v3

    After my Thanksgiving thesis paper writing blitz, I realized I needed to once again revise the abstract to more coherently attempt to express the aim of my paper. While I’m still not 100 percent happy with it, the following abstract represents my latest direction for my paper. It is difficult to talk about the design…

  • Exploration of Possibility

    Thanksgiving break for me means time to focus on my thesis paper for more than a day. And I am thankful for that. However, I continue to struggle to stay focused. My paper calls for me to review my notes. My notes lead me to the books I read. The books I read beg for…

  • Design Ability: Skill and Knowledge

    Design Ability: Skill and Knowledge

    When examining the design process, you cannot leave out the designer herself. As I have been exploring different readings and thoughts about the process, several questions have come to mind: What is good design? What is a good designer? How does one become a good designer? Thoughtful Interaction Design by Jonas Lowgren and Erik Stolterman…