Tag: thesis
Done with Grad School! (the short post)
in DesignAt 10am this morning, I turned in my signed thesis paper and thesis project, making me officially done with grad school. It’s been pretty quiet on this site the past couple weeks as I tried to get everything complete. This short post is meant to break that silence. But as I have spent many sleepless…
Masters Thesis Paper
in PortfolioMy thesis paper explores the thinking aspect of design to understand what it is designers actually do so that we can understand our value and communicate it to others. To this end, I read several books, including The Design Way, The Reflective Practitioner, How Designers Think, and Thoughtful Interaction Design. In addition, I reference The…
(Final?) Thesis Paper Abstract
in DesignNext Friday is thesis paper presentation day, where each second-year graduate student has 10 minutes to present his or her thesis paper and five minutes to be interrogated about it. This is a major milestone of this year. Lucky me, I get to present first! In preparation, I had to submit the thesis title and…
Exploration of Possibility
in DesignThanksgiving break for me means time to focus on my thesis paper for more than a day. And I am thankful for that. However, I continue to struggle to stay focused. My paper calls for me to review my notes. My notes lead me to the books I read. The books I read beg for…
Thesis Paper Abstract v2.0
in DesignWith the majority of my readings behind me—How Designers Think, The Reflective Practitioner, Thoughtful Interaction Design—I took a stab at rewriting my thesis paper abstract. I wrote the original abstract a few weeks ago, but it was still too abstract for…um…an abstract, so I didn’t share it. The result is a shift, I believe, from…
Design Ability: Skill and Knowledge
in DesignWhen examining the design process, you cannot leave out the designer herself. As I have been exploring different readings and thoughts about the process, several questions have come to mind: What is good design? What is a good designer? How does one become a good designer? Thoughtful Interaction Design by Jonas Lowgren and Erik Stolterman…
Beginning Thesis Paper Readings
in DesignWith Emergence over, my attention has turned to my neglected theses endeavors. Earlier this week I bought a bunch of books, some of which arrived the past few days. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design (Interactive Technologies) by Bill Buxton The Sciences of the Artificial by Herbert A. Simon Design…
CHI Is Not a Design Conference
in DesignCall for papers for CHI2008 went out recently, and this sparked some chatter on the IxDA list. The following is a response to the organizing committee having two conference chairs from Microsoft, and CHI’s perception as an academic conference. Jonathan Arnowitz Today 9:28amHI Will, Your first two points are a bit contradictory: Microsoft is not…
Reconsidering Thesis Project
in DesignOver the weekend I was talking to a designer who created a skirt that lit up when you twirled. That’s great and all, but it seems like a lot of wearable projects do only that: light up given some condition. This got me thinking about wearables and the challenge of making a wearable that really…