Tag: Music
4×4 Things About Me
in LifeI was tagged by Dan Saffer to continue a meme (noun: an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture) of four lists of four things about me, which provides a break from writing yet another post about design! I’ve never been tagged to continue a meme before. It’s…
iMix Vol 3 No 3
in LifeI’ve been arranging this mix for about two months now, as I bought all these songs in early April. After messing with the order too many times, I think I returned it to the first iteration. Find this iMix on iTunes. Steady, As She Goes The Raconteurs “You’ve had too much to think, now you…
iMix Vol 3 No 2
in LifeHere’s my latest iMix. Junior Kickstart The Go! Team Makes me feel like I’m on an important mission, even if I’m just heading to work. The Skin of My Yellow Country Teeth Clap Your Hands Say Yeah I always seem to zone out and then come back in at: “Get me to a party. Who…
iMix Vol 3 No 1
in LifeWhile I seem to mostly write about web stuff, I do actually have other interests, like music! I bought these songs about a week ago, and finally got them in a decent order. Hegebutt Vol 3 No 1 A.T.H.F. Danger Doom Who knew hip hop could be so original. The Power Is On The Go!…
iTunes Wish List
in LifeFor most of 2005, I as I heard songs I liked, I searched for them on iTunes and added them to my shopping cart. At any given time, I’d have between 50 and 100 songs in there. At the beginning of each month I would go through the shopping cart and buy 10 to 20…
My iPod Makes Me Cool
That’s right. Last week I bought an iPod so I could play music in my car during a road trip. I had been wanting an iPod for a while, as I purchase a good bit of music from iTunes; and the road trip seemed like the perfect excuse. Lucky me, my timing could not have…
Kasabian Album Released
in LifeKasabian’s album was released today. I may have to wait until my next paycheck to buy it, but I’ve heard most of the songs on KEXP and they’re all very good. I’ve heard them compared to The Stone Roses. They rock a little harder, I think. More energizing. More attitude. All I know is every…
Club Foot on iTunes
in LifeThe free download on iTunes is Kasabian’s Club Foot. I think it started last week, so you better hurry. Damn good song.