Tag: interaction design

  • Thesis Paper Abstract v2.0

    With the majority of my readings behind me—How Designers Think, The Reflective Practitioner, Thoughtful Interaction Design—I took a stab at rewriting my thesis paper abstract. I wrote the original abstract a few weeks ago, but it was still too abstract for…um…an abstract, so I didn’t share it. The result is a shift, I believe, from…

  • Midway Through Design Computing

    We’ve hit the midway point in the semester for Design Computing. And I must confess that my first teaching experience had a bit of a rough start. There were a bunch of factors that affected this—planning Emergence, not following last year’s model, Flash C3 being very different from the previous version—but to some extent inexperience…

  • Design Ability: Skill and Knowledge

    Design Ability: Skill and Knowledge

    When examining the design process, you cannot leave out the designer herself. As I have been exploring different readings and thoughts about the process, several questions have come to mind: What is good design? What is a good designer? How does one become a good designer? Thoughtful Interaction Design by Jonas Lowgren and Erik Stolterman…

  • Beginning Thesis Paper Readings

    With Emergence over, my attention has turned to my neglected theses endeavors. Earlier this week I bought a bunch of books, some of which arrived the past few days. Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design (Interactive Technologies) by Bill Buxton The Sciences of the Artificial by Herbert A. Simon Design…

  • Charmr Project: Diabetes Management

    Charmr Project: Diabetes Management

    Interaction Designer, Adaptive Path, Summer 2007 Charmr was an internal R&D project at Adaptive Path inspired by an Open Letter to Steve Jobs by a prominent diabetes blogger, Amy Tenderich. The goal was to generate enthusiasm for human-centered thinking and inspire broader change throughout the medical device and design industry. In eight weeks, we went…

  • Bouncing Ideas Off Dan Saffer

    One of the great things about being at Adaptive Path is that I have access to the cello-playing man who wrote Designing for Interaction, Dan Saffer. Today I sat down with him to talk about the direction my essay is going, as it’s somewhat of a commentary on the perception of interaction design in current…

  • CMU Writeup on Motorola Work

    CMU has a news story in its Corporate Visitors section regarding the studio 2 projects with Shelley Evenson we did this past spring in collaboration with Motorola. It includes a definition of interaction design by Shelley, and a synopsis of each group’s concept. Notable is the article’s focus on interaction design, referring to the studio…

  • iPhone and Wii

    No, I didn’t buy an iPhone. But I got my hands on one over the weekend and played around with it for a few minutes. First impression. Wow. It’s fun just to navigate around with your finger and spin your contacts up and down. Great interaction. And it looks fantastic. The word on the street…

  • Design for Knowledge

    The other day we had a lecture on design research. We were first asked what we thought design research was. There was silence. “I know what research is,” I thought. But design research. Why did the posing of the question make it seem different? I ventured a guess. “Methods,” I said. It went on the…