Tag: interaction design

  • Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective

    On February 5, 2010, at Interaction10, I presented Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective. Since studying interaction design and service design at Carnegie Mellon University, I have wrestled with the relationship between the two. During an interview with Jeff Howard, a few days after graduating, I tried to address this relationship. It was both a…

  • Speaking at IxD10

    I will be speaking at the Interaction 10 conference on Friday, February 5 in Savannah. The title of my talk will be “Service Design: an Interaction Design Perspective.” What is service design? How is it different from interaction design? Or isn’t it? As an interaction designer with service design education and experience, I will offer…

  • The Most Influential Interaction Design Products

    Dan Saffer recently asked, “If I asked you to name the most influential interaction design products, you would say…?” I found this question a bit confusing. It raised a lot of questions. My instinct was to respond by asking, “What product does not involve interaction design?” Next, “What do you mean by product?” Further, is…

  • Moggridge Says Interaction Design May be Unnecessary

    I saw a screening of the film Objectified, after which the director, Gary Hustwit, and two of the designers featured in the film, Bill Moggridge (IDEO) and Dan Formosa (Smart Design), did a little Q&A. One audience member asked Moggridge to reflect on defining interaction design as a discipline. In his response, he said that…

  • Designing for Behavior

    For a while now, when people ask me about being an interaction designer, I have explained it as designing for behavior: what, how, and why someone interacts with a product, service, or organization. As an interaction designer, I tread in the land of emotion, motivation, action, need, and desire. Like design itself, there need not…

  • Jeremy Yuille Explores IxD Education at Adaptive Path

    Adaptive Path recently hosted a brown bag lunch with Jeremy Yuille regarding interaction design education. I skirted up from my Nokia office a few blocks away to take advantage of AP’s open invitation. It took me a while to realize that Jeremy is on the IxDA board, and that I had met him at the…

  • mTID Gets Panties in a Twist

    I’m not sure Carnegie Mellon’s master of tangible interaction design is news to me. I sort of recall hearing something about it last spring. But today was the first time I saw a curriculum for the program. Like several of my former peers, I am intrigued by this program. And as a master of interaction…

  • Erik Stolterman talks Design at CMU

    Erik Stolterman has been visiting Carnegie Mellon for the past few days, during which he gave a lecture on “The Design Paradox – and the nature of design research.” The premise of the talk, aimed at HCI researchers, was that HCI research, which is mostly aimed at improving design practice (his assumption), does not seem…

  • Thoughts on Interaction08

    I got back from the first Interaction Design Association (IxDA) conference, Interaction08, late Monday night after an 11-hour drive in a rented minivan with five other of my Carnegie Mellon peers. Rather than provide a blow-by-blow, I’ll apply a little bit of poetic license and start at the end. At the end of the second…