Tag: graphic-design
Graphic design is art, says Paul Rand
in DesignI don’t know if this is new, but it was new to me and I just watched it. Paul Rand talks about graphic design, and says that design is art. I’m pretty sure I don’t agree with him, but it’s kind of interesting to hear his perspective and see the array of designs.
Words Fail to Describe
in DesignI won’t tell you where I found time to read “Strong Words” by Véronique Vienne in the March/April 2007 issue of PRINT, but I did. The article questions the wisdom of changing the AIGA’s name a year ago from “American Institute of Graphic Arts” to “The Professional Association of Design,” and has a very interesting…
Still Struggling With Design
in DesignIt took me a while, but I’ve accepted that I am now a designer because my thinking about what it means to be a designer has changed. And while I can envision and practice design from a certain standpoint, I’m still very much lacking in the communication design arena. This is proving to be quite…