Tag: Design

  • Stuff Makers

    ??????We are the stuff makers. That is our role as designers,?????? says John Zimmerman. Today we began our next interaction and visual interface design assignment: digital music player. My new group, consisting of fellow graduate student Sook and an industrial design undergraduate, will be creating a new player for commuters. We read Don Norman??????s Emotion…

  • Mobile Project Paper Prototypes

    For tomorrow’s class, which begins in six hours, my mobile project team will be presenting our paper prototypes. Again, if you haven’t been paying attention, we’re creating a mobile application to help people find a coffee shop. Our persona travels often and really likes coffee, but not just any coffee or coffee shop. Our man…

  • Data Poster Critiqued by Ben Fry

    After depriving myself of sleep and taking a chance that my poster would work it??????s way through the print queue in time for class (we were told to allow 48 hours and I submitted my job at 2 a.m.), I gladly hung my poster on the wall with everyone else during grad studio this afternoon.…

  • Empty Space Loses Its Meaning

    I read the following quote in the appendix of House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, which a friend laid in my lap while I was drinking beer and searching for new clothes online at 1 a.m. I wished to show that space-time is not necessarily something to which one can ascribe a separate existence,…

  • Mobile Project Persona

    Today my group met to discuss our findings from independent interviews regarding our mobile project to help find a coffee shop. We have the beginnings of a persona. His name is Johannes Zummerman. He is 38 and married, and is a military software consultant. He loves good coffee. He needs it. It??????s part of his…

  • Learning to Frame the Problem

    I got my control redesign grade: 88. It’s a decent grade, though I’m not that concerned about the grade. Since giving my presentation, John’s question, “Who wants gas without flame?” has bubbled to the surface of my brain now and again. So it wasn’t a surprised when his feedback said the problem with my solution…

  • Emergence 2006: Service Design

    Today I attended Emergence, a conference put together by Carnegie Mellon School of Design graduate students. The focus on the inaugural event is service design, which the students identified as an emerging field in design. This conference is the first international service design conference. I didn??????t really know much about service design before the conference.…

  • Design Studio and Grad Type

    I’ve mostly been talking about my Design Seminar class with Dick Buchanan and my Interaction and Visual Interface Design with John Zimmerman because those classes involve more discussion of ideas, which are easier to write about. My other two classes, Design Studio with Dan Boyarski and Graduate Type with Karen Moyer (and later Kristin Hughes),…

  • Control Redesign: Gas Stove Knob

    In my previous post, I failed to mention the control I redesigned. I choose a knob on my gas stove. Problems Turning the knob to Lite, which is also the highest gas setting, releases more gas than is necessary for pilot light to ignite gas. There is no indication of the lowest gas setting. Gas…