Tag: design thinking

  • Design Overstretch

    In the continuing debate about design thinking, there’s great article on Core77, Design Thinking: Everywhere and Nowhere, Reflections on the Big Re-Think, which covers thoughts coming from the Big Rethink conference held by The Economist in London. Nearly every point in the article made me stake stock of my own beliefs, practices, and pontifications on…

  • Service Design Thinking?

    A Brief Guide to Service Design (UX Brighton) by Paul Thurston & Nick Marsh View more presentations from Harry Brignull. I’m glad to see many similarities between this presentation and the one I presented at IxD10. Ideas that definitely overlap include: services are important, services are everywhere, they are designed by everyone, and they are…

  • Design Thinking, Simply Put

    “To me, design thinking is the productive combination of analytical thinking and intuitive thinking.” –Roger Martin in response to Peter Merholz’s Why Design Thinking Won’t Save You While Peter’s original post was in October 2009, the Harvard Business Review called it out in their January/February 2010 print issue. As I tend to think about definitions…

  • Design Thinking Is the New Design

    In his Ask the Innovation Guru video series (yes, there is such a thing, and yes, I watched some of it), Bruce Nussbaum tackles the question Why Is Design Thinking Relevant. He parses views on design thinking into two camps: those that think it’s too abstract and has little to do with doing; and those…

  • Fourth Order Design?

    I’ve heard “fourth order design” thrown around a lot lately. The more I hear it, the more I would rather hear what the the person is really talking about. It makes me wonder whether the term helps clarify anything or actually muddies design. Can we not call design “design”? To a degree, I think that’s…

  • Masters Thesis Paper

    Masters Thesis Paper

    My thesis paper explores the thinking aspect of design to understand what it is designers actually do so that we can understand our value and communicate it to others. To this end, I read several books, including The Design Way, The Reflective Practitioner, How Designers Think, and Thoughtful Interaction Design. In addition, I reference The…

  • (Final?) Thesis Paper Abstract

    Next Friday is thesis paper presentation day, where each second-year graduate student has 10 minutes to present his or her thesis paper and five minutes to be interrogated about it. This is a major milestone of this year. Lucky me, I get to present first! In preparation, I had to submit the thesis title and…

  • Hugh Dubberly Models Innovation

    “For the past few years, innovation has been a big topic in conversation about business management. A small industry fuels that conversation with articles, books, and conferences. Designers, too, are involved. Prominent product-design firms offer workshops and other services promising innovation. Leading design schools promote “design thinking” as a path to innovation. But despite all…

  • How I Became a Designer

    This post is inspired by Jack Moffet’s Mystory, which was inspired by a recent IxDA discussion on when/where/how you decided to become a designer. To answer this question, I could go through my life story—army » engineering » poetry » journalism » web producer » editor » web developer—but that would be rather long and…