Tag: cmu

  • Online IxD Masters

    From the IxDA mailing list: “Hi there…I’m brand new to this list and looking for some advice on how to move from the field of visual design into interaction design. I’ve been working as an interface/interactive/web designer for over ten years, but now find myself drawn more to interaction design and usability. I’ve read many…

  • CMU School of Design Award-Winning

    Bruce Nussbaum announced that next week Business Week will publish the annual International Design Excellence Awards winners. A new category this year is design schools, and CMU’s School of Design is mentioned. Uncanny that I was just talking about the School of Design’s lack of exposure. “And talented design students are coming out of a…

  • Carnegie Mellon a graduate design school?

    Here is a typical conversation I have when meeting new people during my summer in San Francisco. IDEO designer: What are you studying? Me: Interaction design. IDEO designer: Where? Me: Carnegie Mellon. IDEO designer: I didn’t know they teach design. This frustrates me to no end. Here I am at what I believe to be…

  • Reconsidering Thesis Project

    Over the weekend I was talking to a designer who created a skirt that lit up when you twirled. That’s great and all, but it seems like a lot of wearable projects do only that: light up given some condition. This got me thinking about wearables and the challenge of making a wearable that really…

  • Video Sketches vs. Cartoon Scenarios

    I volunteered to give brown bag presentation at Adaptive Path on the mobile media research and concept my team did for Motorola last semester. I really didn’t know what they would think. The most conversation centered around the value of the scenario video sketch versus a lower fidelity demonstration of the concept. Jesse James Garrett…

  • Mobile Presentation to Motorola in Chicago

    On Friday, representatives from the four Studio 2 teams presented our mobile media life projects to Motorola in Chicago. Carrie Chan and I had the honor of giving our team’s presentation. The morning started off slow, as there were a lot of problems getting all of our presentations onto one of the Motorola laptops. Motorola…

  • Thesis Paper Proposal

    I had a conversation today with a Henning Fischer, a coworker at Adaptive Path, about design process, which got me blabbering something about my thesis paper proposal, tentatively titled the Leap from Research to Design in Interaction Design. I had not looked at it since writing it during finals week, so tonight I read what…

  • Busy and Blog Broke

    The end of the semester sucked up all my time. And while that was going on, my comments got corrupted. When I tried fixing that late one night (or early one morning, depending on your perspective), I only succeeded in breaking the site more so that I could not access the admin section. Hence, no…

  • CMU Alumni Party at Adaptive Path

    On Sunday, I attended a CMU alumni get together at Adaptive Path in San Francisco. The event coincided with CHI being in San Jose this year. And CHI was the reason I was in SF. Dan Saffer was our host, so I got to talk with him a bit. One thing everyone seemed to mention…