Tag: cmu

  • Making Furniture Interactive

    Instead of doing an independent study on composition, or Research Methods with Dick Buchanan, or an introduction to industrial design fundamentals, I’m taking Making Furniture Interactive with Mark Gross. I’m working with a microcontroller, wires, LEDs, and writing programs with Processing. We’re using Arduino—an open-source electronics prototyping platform—for development. I decided to take this course…

  • Survived My First Day Teaching

    Today was the first day teaching Intro to Design Computing. It was my first day teaching anything, ever, officially. I didn’t die. So hurray! But it was harder than I thought it would be. My throat got dry and we’re not allowed to have any drinks in the computer lab. And my introduction and presentation…

  • My Classes This Semester

    Because I’m in my second year as a graduate design student, half of my course load is taken up by my thesis project and paper (note to self: start working on those). The two classes I’m currently signed up for are Social Web with Jason Hong and Robert Kraut, and Designing for Service with Shelley…

  • Why Attend Emergence

    I’ve been busting my balls on Emergence over the summer, and things have kicked into high gear with the conference less than two weeks away. Overall, we’re in a good place. We’ve already matched last year’s attendance, and the lineup is one that I’m excited about and believe will appeal to a variety of designers.…

  • Intro to Design Computing

    This fall I am teaching Introduction to Design Computing, a required course for first-year interaction design graduate students at Carnegie Mellon. Last year, I waived the course because it was primarily a Flash course and I had six years of professional Flash development and design experience. This year, a couple students asked to waive it…

  • CHI Is Not a Design Conference

    Call for papers for CHI2008 went out recently, and this sparked some chatter on the IxDA list. The following is a response to the organizing committee having two conference chairs from Microsoft, and CHI’s perception as an academic conference. Jonathan Arnowitz Today 9:28amHI Will, Your first two points are a bit contradictory: Microsoft is not…

  • CMU Writeup on Motorola Work

    CMU has a news story in its Corporate Visitors section regarding the studio 2 projects with Shelley Evenson we did this past spring in collaboration with Motorola. It includes a definition of interaction design by Shelley, and a synopsis of each group’s concept. Notable is the article’s focus on interaction design, referring to the studio…

  • A designer is…

    I just got this: I’m working on an undergrad recruitment piece for the School of Design. Could you complete the following two statements and email me your responses as soon as possible? :: Design is … :: A designer … What do you think?

  • Emotional About Design

    It’s nearly 1 am and I just finished an email on one of the internal Adaptive Path mailing lists about the role of emotion in design work. Why do I even read email from AP this late at night, god knows. ;) But it was uncanny timing, as I’m in the middle of actually reading…