Tag: Apple
iPad as Service Enabler
in DesignIt’s hard not to be underwhelmed by a product that we already had a good idea of what it would be, especially if you’ve ever used an iPhone. But aside from there being little surprises, and an arguably terrible name (there’s nothing poetic about iPad), what I find more interesting are services the device will…
Call To Redesign Organizations
in DesignRecently, Jonathan Ive, of Apple, had some thoughts on the key to Apple’s success. He bemoaned designers who always have excuses for their work not turning out as intended. His advice: “If you really do care about the quality of what ends up getting made, wouldn’t you find an answer, some sort of alternative, and…
Got your own mobile app yet?
in DesignYesterday I read about iLike providing a syndication platform to help artists connect with fans through custom iPhone Apps. It seems the commercials don’t lie. “There’s an app for that” is increasingly true. The iLike move reminded me of when web tools first emerged to help people create sites to promote themselves, their business, or…
iPhone NDA Broken at SF Party
Tonight I was at a party in San Francisco and someone from Apple had an iPhone. At first it seemed like a privileged few got to sneak a peak. But then as the drinks were flowing and the guy with the iPhone wanted to get laid, the phone was on display much more openly. Naturally,…