My Very Own Place in SF

I am happy to report that I found a place to live in San Francisco! It’s a 1BR in Cole Valley very near to Golden State Park. It’s not even a sublet. I signed a two-month lease today. How lucky?

The red peg is where I live. The green one is where I work.


Also, some of you reacted to one of my previous posts with concern for my well being. I appreciate that, but I want to assure you that I am fantabulous. I was merely trying to share that I too am human and have doubts and feel lonely from time to time. Sorry about that. I will return to my usual projection of undaunted self-confidence. ;)

And now that I have a place to live, I will stop complaining about that and go back to my typical ramblings on design and the lack of fast-food cake shops.

Get it while it’s hot!

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One response to “My Very Own Place in SF”

  1. horray – that is my old hood.
    there is a lovely bakery on cole st. – somthing french sounding with the word cole valley in it.
    and…more importantly….you live stumbling distance to zazie!
    gingerbread pancakes STAT!