Homemade Pizza

Homemade pizza

I made this pizza last night. It’s the first time I made a pizza completely from scratch. The results were very good, and the pizza was very large.

I used organic garlic and tomatoes for the sauce, and topped it with basil (from my garden) and mozzarella.


4 responses to “Homemade Pizza”

  1. srividya sriram

    hey jamin!
    these posts…very helpful indeed. looks like you guys have been doing to some really interesting work. wish i could have joined you guys.anyways…i get into pitt 9th aug. see you soon and keep blogging!

  2. I hope this post about pizza helps. ; )

  3. Greetings and salutations Jamin. I see you’re not a starving graduate student. Pizza looks good. Seems like you’re learning a lot from your classes. I wish you much success.

  4. Thanks Samba!

    I’m not a starving grad student yet. But I finished the last of the pizza tonight…

Get it while it’s hot!

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