“Comcastic” Is Retarded

My Adephia cable is switching to Comcast, which is fine because Adelphia blows.

However, my notification letter from Comcast makes me squirm.

Welcome to Comcast High-Speed Interent
Some changes are good. This one’s Comcastic!

Hurray! Comcastic! Just want I always wanted! I was just telling all my friend how I wish my life was comcastic. And they were like, you mean fantastic or awesome or cool or fun. And I was like, no, comcastic, beatches!

If someone offered you cable that was “comcastic,” you’d probably punch the person in the face.

What does it say about a company when it choses fake words instead of real words to describe its service? Does it really think “comcastic” is going to replace “da bomb” or something?

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