Charmr Project: Diabetes Management

Interaction Designer, Adaptive Path, Summer 2007

Charmr was an internal R&D project at Adaptive Path inspired by an Open Letter to Steve Jobs by a prominent diabetes blogger, Amy Tenderich. The goal was to generate enthusiasm for human-centered thinking and inspire broader change throughout the medical device and design industry.

Brainstorming I

In eight weeks, we went from user research with diabetics to final concept of what the experience could be. My role included conducting interviews, background research, research synthesis, concept generation, and communication of the envisioned experience.


Charmr screens

Charmr system

More information can be found on Adaptive Path’s website.


One response to “Charmr Project: Diabetes Management”

  1. One word of advice for managing diabetes is to keep your diet in check. Try not to consume a lot of junk food, instead, eat fruits, vegetables, lean cold cuts, oily fish and unsaturated fats. You will feel much better and you will see a visible difference.

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