Category: Web

  • Flashing Past Midnight

    Was I up until past midnight messing around with the Tween class in Flash? Is it past midnight now, and am I finding time to post this self-indulgent drivel? Yes. But you knew that. I had a spark of genius, which will surely turn out to be obtuse by morning. But the idea requires more…

  • Why Nielsen Sucks

    If you know me, you’re familiar with my opinion of Jakob Nielsen. Well I’ve found an apparent sympathizer in Jeremy Keith. Read his post on how he used the Onion article generator to parady Nielsen’s article Why Frames Suck (Most of the Time) and create Why Nielsen Sucks (Most of the Time). Too funny. And…

  • Adobe Sucks Life from

    I just went to Macromedia’s site to look up some Contribute support info. And that’s when I noticed that the site is now branded as Adobe. Replacing Macromedia’s typical quirky Flash animation on the home page, there is now a little movie that explains that the two companies are now one. They’re using the same…

  • Re-Envisioning

    So I mentioned before that the Flash file for the random creatures on was corrupt. And since I could not get it working, I decided to rebuild. I took down what was there and created some new random creatures. I sketched a wireframe of the creatures and content before I started building. But so…

  • Entice Users After Task Completion

    Interesting user testing results over at UIE regarding enticing users with content. One of the most surprising findings from our research is that users very rarely click on featured content on the home page. Why? Because when we watch users look for content on sites, they??????re on a specific mission.

  • CSS Enthusiast

    Sometimes I forget that laying out sites with CSS is still kind of new. So I was a little surprised tonight to hear someone say he didn’t know CSS was more than just font control. The good news is I won him over with my CSS sales pitch. Though it wasn’t that hard. CSS practically…

  • Put People First

    Earlier today I had a conversation about the value of providing a good experience and the roles of writers and designers have in shaping experience. And I told my interlocutor of my struggle to absorb all the information there is to absorb, all the technology and practices, and my desire to find focus. Then I…

  • How Hard Is It to Build a Web Site?

    I went to Dallas to visit my brother for Thanksgiving. And on my way home, a man close to retirement age sat next to me while I waited to board the plane. He began talking to me said he spent 27 years in the Coast Guard flying planes, and that he now installs equipment in…

  • Troublesome Flash File

    I wanted to make some modifications to the little aliens on my other site, and wouldn’t you know it, I can’t open the damn Flash source file. “Unexpected file format.” Lovely. Naturally, I searched for help. Then I tried some things, none of which worked. I imported the SWF, since that at least should give…