Category: Web

  • End of Week 1, and Lunch with Dan Boyarski

    Today concluded our week with Karen Moyer and typographic hierarchy. I’m not sure if I mentioned this before, but we will have a new instructor who will explore a different aspect of design each week. Next week has to do with 3D objects, I believe. After class we were treated to lunch with Dan Boyarski,…

  • Last Day at Pitt


    in ,

    Wow. Hard to believe my time at the University of Pittsburgh is coming to an end: tomorrow. Because there is no developer yet to replace me, my workload has not decreased, and I’ve been scrambling to finish up a couple of projects. I completed one yesterday, but another will likely not be done before the…

  • Top Ten Accomplishments at Pitt 2006



    My director recently asked everyone in the department for their top 10 accomplishments for 2006, as the end of our fiscal year and reviews are approaching. Even though I’m leaving the University of Pittsburgh on June 30, I decided to submit a list anyway. The list that follows is what I submitted: I introduced the…

  • Working as the Crowd Cheers



    It’s easy to keep working into the night if you have a soccer match with the constant cheers of the crowd in the background. It also helps if the match is a replay of a game (US vs. Czech Republic) that you would rather not focus on too much so that it’s not visually distracting.

  • Why Use Wireframes?



    I was reading The Guided Wireframe Narrative for Rich Internet Applications Case Study: Prototyping Complex Interactions by Andres Zapata on Boxes and Arrows and within the text was this question: Why continue using wireframes? At all? Sometimes my coworkers and I struggle with this same question. Since I often find myself arguing in defense of…