Category: Web

  • sIFR Bug Fixed

    There was a bug in sIFR 2.0 that caused some problems with old versions of Mozilla. I’m hoping that’s what is causing my headers not to display for Netscape on my PC at home. Just replace the sifr.js file with the new one. Cake. Get the fix, version 2.0.1.

  • Flash Bootcamp, Day 1

    Although I have resisted the label, it’s possible that on some degree I am in fact a programmer. Today’s Flash Bootcamp session with Colin Moock here in Rochester, N.Y., seems to support this. The session was an intermediate Flash seminar that focused on object oriented programming using ActionScript 2.0. Turns out, I know more than…

  • Got Internet, Got to Run

    I’m up here in Rochester, N.Y., for Colin Moock’s Flash Bootcamp. The hotel has wireless Internet. But they didn’t tell me right away, and the directions in the room seem to indicate you need an ethernet connection. I tried that ($9.95). It worked for a few minutes, then failed. I called the front desk to…

  • Web Methodology Article

    As I’ve been recently focused on Web development processes and exploring new techniques, I thought I’d point out an interesting SitePoint article that discusses adapting and adopting software development methodologies for the Web. The article suggests that Web methodologies are lacking. That’s good news to me. I was afraid I was missing something.

  • Asian Studies Center Lives

    I built the University of Pittsburgh’s Asian Studies Center site back in 2003. It was one of the first sites I built when I joined Pitt’s Web team. It was before I made the switch to tableless design. The process got bogged down, and eventually we turned over the files to the client, putting the…

  • My Favorite Number

    For a long time now, 13 has been my favorite number. Today is Friday the 13th, which I always think of as lucky. And although I didn’t receive this news today, I am lucky that work has agreed to send me to Colin Moock’s ActionScript Boot Camp in Rochester, N.Y., on May 31 and June…

  • IA Methodology

    I recently restructured the information architecture (IA) for the University of Pittsburgh’s Department of Anthropology using some methodology ideas I got from the Design Eye for the Idea Guy outline on

  • sIFR 2.0 Released

    I could not have been more nearly right with my last post’s title, sIFR Up and Running. While I was writing about release candidate 4, they release the real deal the very same day. Uncanny.

  • sIFR Up and Running

    As you may have noticed, the headers are now a different type face. Lucida Bright bold, to be exact. How did I do this? sIFR, or scalable Inman Flash Replacement.