Category: Life

  • Condemn Partially Hydrogenated Oils

    So I was in my hotel room feeling a bit peckish. Not wanting to venture out, I found a vending machine. I realized everything in the machines was likely unhealthy. But I hoped a Snickers bar wouldn’t be so bad. Money went in. Fingers pressed buttons. The spiral candy holder twirled, and the bar fell…

  • Pit Stop in Pittsburgh

    I left San Francisco for Baltimore Sunday morning for some client meetings early this week. However, Baltimore was backed up, so we landed in Pittsburgh to refuel and wait. After a half hour we were back in the air. It was kind of funny to spend 30 minutes at Pittsburgh International Airport, about a half…

  • Rumbling in the Night

    At 4:42 am I woke up. I’m not sure if I was just rolling over, or if my rattling closet doors were the cause. But soon my bed beneath me began to shake. The earthquake lasted about five seconds. And the only damage it did to me was keep me awake for the new couple…

  • I am an ENFP

    Apparently Adaptive Path is into the Jung Typology test. I was urged to take it, and according to the test, I’m an ENFP: Extraverted (56%), intuitive (50%), feeling (25%), and perceiving (22%). The percentages are strength of preferences. Qualitative analysis of your type formula You are: moderately expressed extravert moderately expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed…

  • iPhone NDA Broken at SF Party

    Tonight I was at a party in San Francisco and someone from Apple had an iPhone. At first it seemed like a privileged few got to sneak a peak. But then as the drinks were flowing and the guy with the iPhone wanted to get laid, the phone was on display much more openly. Naturally,…

  • My Very Own Place in SF

    I am happy to report that I found a place to live in San Francisco! It’s a 1BR in Cole Valley very near to Golden State Park. It’s not even a sublet. I signed a two-month lease today. How lucky? The red peg is where I live. The green one is where I work. Also,…

  • I found Fred and Plouf!

    I didn’t get the apartment I saw last night, so viewed two more apartments tonight after work. One I think I got, credit check pending. But I will not celebrate until it’s final. Anyway, on my way home, I was walking up Powell Street and out of the corner of my eye I spotted Fred…

  • First Day at Adaptive Path

    First Day at Adaptive Path

    And so it begins. I introduced myself at the weekly Tuesday staff meeting. “Oh, so that’s how you say your name.” I also got a couple, “You don’t look like what I imagined.” Today was pretty relaxed. I met the other intern, Irene Chong, from the Institute of Design. We compared design programs and conference-running…

  • San Francisco

    I’m back in San Francisco after a week of kicking it in the mountains with my bro. On Sunday I drove back through Yosemite—mighty gorgeous—and arrived in gloomy, cloudy, and chilly San Fran that afternoon. I immediately went to check out an apartment in Inner Richmond. I was really hoping it would pan out as…