Category: Design
CMU Design Alumni Inspire; “IxD” Discord
in DesignDesign Grad Alumni Reunion Okay, so I mostly went to the alumni reunion party for the free food. When you’re chin deep in loans, “free” is the magic word. After the food and a drink or two, we convened for some Q&A with a panel of alumni. I don’t remember any of the names (I’m…
Design Studio and Grad Type
I’ve mostly been talking about my Design Seminar class with Dick Buchanan and my Interaction and Visual Interface Design with John Zimmerman because those classes involve more discussion of ideas, which are easier to write about. My other two classes, Design Studio with Dan Boyarski and Graduate Type with Karen Moyer (and later Kristin Hughes),…
Control Redesign: Gas Stove Knob
In my previous post, I failed to mention the control I redesigned. I choose a knob on my gas stove. Problems Turning the knob to Lite, which is also the highest gas setting, releases more gas than is necessary for pilot light to ignite gas. There is no indication of the lowest gas setting. Gas…
First Project Complete
in DesignYou would think with a four-day weekend (I have no classes on Friday), I would have had time to complete my first project without losing sleep. Wrong. The project was to redesign a singular control for John Zimmeran’s Introduction to Interaction and Visual Interface Design. We had to produce a 11×17 color poster mounted on…
Why Do We Have Cans?
in DesignLast Friday, before the first week started, we got an email from John Zimmerman. He asked us to bring in a product we loved and one we hated. The first day of his class, Introduction to Interaction and Visual Interface Design, we all explained why we made our choices. This resulted in some interesting discussions…
A Real Taste of Dick
in DesignMuch as I expected, my idea of “data” was completely off the mark. For 80 minutes this morning, Dick Buchanan tortured us with questions and rhetoric trying to extract the four types of data. No one had a clue. I’m not sure if Dick enjoyed pulling our teeth, or if he thought we should have…
It’s Only Tuesday
in DesignHave I really already completed two days of grad school? Have I really only completed two days of grad school? Surely, it’s not Tuesday already. And surely, it’s not only Tuesday? I am just beginning to understand how this is going to rock my world. My life as I knew it before, my life as…
Fall Semester Begins; Free Beer
in DesignToday the fall semester began, as did my adventure into interaction design. My first class was design seminar with Dick Buchanan, and my second class was design study with Dan Boyarski. Both classes were interesting and I took some good notes, points from which I thought I could share. However, I left my notes at…
CMU Grad Design Orientation
in DesignI arrived on campus 15 minutes before orientation started, so I went to the design office to turn in my time card for the Emergence conference website. No one was in the office except some guy. He was sitting in the administrator area, so I assumed he was an administrator. He asked if I was…