Category: Design
Design Ability: Skill and Knowledge
When examining the design process, you cannot leave out the designer herself. As I have been exploring different readings and thoughts about the process, several questions have come to mind: What is good design? What is a good designer? How does one become a good designer? Thoughtful Interaction Design by Jonas Lowgren and Erik Stolterman…
How Designers Think
Yes! Yes! Yes! No, this post is not about sex. It’s about Bryan Lawson’s How Designer Think, which is an orgasm of design process and thinking. On nearly every page I found an idea I could relate to as a designer and often thought the book should be required reading for those entering design. If…
What is design thinking?
After reading Bruce Nussbaum’s recent article, Design Vs. Design Thinking, I have to ask, what is design thinking? Why? Because the way he refers to design thinking conflicts with my more or less ambiguous definition. The first thing that struck me was his reference to design thinking as a new field. New field? Is design…
Defining Design Principles
For the airport security service design project and for my current service design project, my team has defined design principles to shape the final solution and ensure a benchmark of success. For airport security example, saying goodbye was a design principle. In order for our solution to be considered a success, had to address providing…
Why do people want models?
This post is really just a collection of thoughts stemming from my last thesis paper meeting. I’m still mostly reading at this point and sort of framing the argument along the way. My original inquiry had to do with the leap of faith from design research to design concepts. This has led me to a…