Category: Design

  • First Two Weeks at Adaptive Path

    As I’m going to Chicago to present our final Studio 2 presentation to a different set of folks at Motorola, I am done with Adaptive Path for the week. That means my first two weeks at AP are behind me. So what have I been up to? Not too much. But I don’t say that…

  • Thesis Paper Proposal

    I had a conversation today with a Henning Fischer, a coworker at Adaptive Path, about design process, which got me blabbering something about my thesis paper proposal, tentatively titled the Leap from Research to Design in Interaction Design. I had not looked at it since writing it during finals week, so tonight I read what…

  • First Day at Adaptive Path

    First Day at Adaptive Path

    And so it begins. I introduced myself at the weekly Tuesday staff meeting. “Oh, so that’s how you say your name.” I also got a couple, “You don’t look like what I imagined.” Today was pretty relaxed. I met the other intern, Irene Chong, from the Institute of Design. We compared design programs and conference-running…

  • Made it to Cali

    After a bit of a mix-up, I made it to San Francisco this morning. On Sunday, I went at the airport for my 10 am flight. I entered my flight info at the check-in kiosk only to find out that my flight was not Sunday May 20, but Sunday May 27. It had been booked…

  • Busy and Blog Broke

    The end of the semester sucked up all my time. And while that was going on, my comments got corrupted. When I tried fixing that late one night (or early one morning, depending on your perspective), I only succeeded in breaking the site more so that I could not access the admin section. Hence, no…

  • CMU Alumni Party at Adaptive Path

    On Sunday, I attended a CMU alumni get together at Adaptive Path in San Francisco. The event coincided with CHI being in San Jose this year. And CHI was the reason I was in SF. Dan Saffer was our host, so I got to talk with him a bit. One thing everyone seemed to mention…

  • Two Minute Madness

    I may have mentioned before that our final assignment for Jodi Forlizzi’s Seminar 2 class is a 15-page paper on a topic of our choice. While I turned in a draft of this paper a few days ago, I am still having trouble saying what it is the paper is about. Tomorrow, I have to…

  • Teaching Next Semester

    A while back Dan Boyarski asked if I would teach Introduction to Computing in Design this fall, and I accepted. The title of the course doesn’t say a lot, and the current description is even worse. But essentially I will be teaching the incoming interaction design students how to prototype in Flash. I can’t say…

  • Guest Lecturer: Preetham Kolari, Sonic Rim

    Preetham Kolari, of Sonic Rim, gave a talk in Seminar 2 about design research. His message was somewhat unique in that he split design research into methods and attitudes. The methods included: self ethnography contextual interviews applied ethnography deployment studies participatory design cognitive mapping collaging velcro modeling I’ve been introduced to or used those. So…