Category: Design

  • Motorola Struggling

    The New York Times reports Motorola is struggling. The management of Motorola, the ailing mobile phone maker, has promised to turn the company around. Instead, Motorola’s troubles worsened yesterday when it announced that sales would fall considerably short of earlier projections and forecast a quarterly loss. Mr. Zander has said Motorola’s struggles reflect a handful…

  • CMU School of Design Award-Winning

    Bruce Nussbaum announced that next week Business Week will publish the annual International Design Excellence Awards winners. A new category this year is design schools, and CMU’s School of Design is mentioned. Uncanny that I was just talking about the School of Design’s lack of exposure. “And talented design students are coming out of a…

  • Carnegie Mellon a graduate design school?

    Here is a typical conversation I have when meeting new people during my summer in San Francisco. IDEO designer: What are you studying? Me: Interaction design. IDEO designer: Where? Me: Carnegie Mellon. IDEO designer: I didn’t know they teach design. This frustrates me to no end. Here I am at what I believe to be…

  • Reconsidering Thesis Project

    Over the weekend I was talking to a designer who created a skirt that lit up when you twirled. That’s great and all, but it seems like a lot of wearable projects do only that: light up given some condition. This got me thinking about wearables and the challenge of making a wearable that really…

  • iPhone and Wii

    No, I didn’t buy an iPhone. But I got my hands on one over the weekend and played around with it for a few minutes. First impression. Wow. It’s fun just to navigate around with your finger and spin your contacts up and down. Great interaction. And it looks fantastic. The word on the street…

  • Microsoft Silverlight Competition Very Lame

    On Friday I went to Microsoft’s Express Yourself event in San Francisco. Five design firms competed to solve a “real-world design problem” using Microsoft’s new Silverlight technology and Expression Suite of design tools. Silverlight is the alleged “flash killer” that I had never heard of. I blame graduate school for my ignorance. But perhaps it’s…

  • iPhone NDA Broken at SF Party

    Tonight I was at a party in San Francisco and someone from Apple had an iPhone. At first it seemed like a privileged few got to sneak a peak. But then as the drinks were flowing and the guy with the iPhone wanted to get laid, the phone was on display much more openly. Naturally,…

  • Video Sketches vs. Cartoon Scenarios

    I volunteered to give brown bag presentation at Adaptive Path on the mobile media research and concept my team did for Motorola last semester. I really didn’t know what they would think. The most conversation centered around the value of the scenario video sketch versus a lower fidelity demonstration of the concept. Jesse James Garrett…

  • Mobile Presentation to Motorola in Chicago

    On Friday, representatives from the four Studio 2 teams presented our mobile media life projects to Motorola in Chicago. Carrie Chan and I had the honor of giving our team’s presentation. The morning started off slow, as there were a lot of problems getting all of our presentations onto one of the Motorola laptops. Motorola…