Category: Design
CMU Writeup on Motorola Work
in DesignCMU has a news story in its Corporate Visitors section regarding the studio 2 projects with Shelley Evenson we did this past spring in collaboration with Motorola. It includes a definition of interaction design by Shelley, and a synopsis of each group’s concept. Notable is the article’s focus on interaction design, referring to the studio…
Cupcakes and Cocktails
in DesignTonight I went to a party dedicated to two of my favorite things: cupcakes and cocktails. The party took place at Satisfaction’s new space across the street from Adaptive Path. Previously, they were renting space within AP. I then went to an IxDA event in San Francisco, which involved about 10 more people than you…
Men are more emotional (designers)?
As part of my internship with Adaptive Path, I am writing an essay for the essay section of their website. I’m still formulating what it is I’m writing about, and a colleague recommended I look at The first thing I noticed when viewing the site is a list photos, designers who have been interviewed…
In Design, interaction is the shit
in DesignI’m feeling lazy tonight, burnt out a bit by work, Emergence, and work. So I’ll refer to you something I read today that I found interesting, a blurb from a discussion in April on the IxDA list: In design, interaction is the last resort. I don’t like the implication that you might try everything else…
Todd Was Speaking for Todd
in DesignAt afternoon tea on Friday, one of the Adaptive Path folks explained why AP’s blog posts don’t necessarily express what the company thinks as a whole. “Todd was speaking for Todd,” he said. He was speaking about Todd Wilkens’ recent post on why usability is a path to failure, which many usability professionals took issue…
A designer is…
in DesignI just got this: I’m working on an undergrad recruitment piece for the School of Design. Could you complete the following two statements and email me your responses as soon as possible? :: Design is … :: A designer … What do you think?
Emotional About Design
in DesignIt’s nearly 1 am and I just finished an email on one of the internal Adaptive Path mailing lists about the role of emotion in design work. Why do I even read email from AP this late at night, god knows. ;) But it was uncanny timing, as I’m in the middle of actually reading…
Online IxD Masters
in DesignFrom the IxDA mailing list: “Hi there…I’m brand new to this list and looking for some advice on how to move from the field of visual design into interaction design. I’ve been working as an interface/interactive/web designer for over ten years, but now find myself drawn more to interaction design and usability. I’ve read many…
Visit to Google and IDEO
in DesignAdaptive Path scheduled a visit for the interns to visit the Google campus and IDEO in Palo Alto today. At Google, we met with Douglas Vander Molen, who helped AP create Measure Map, which was then acquired by Google. The team from Measure Map then went on to redesign Google Analytics, which launched this past…